How to Create a Party Planner

Planning the perfect party can be an intimidating prospect. You can eliminate some of the fear and anxiety by taking some early steps to ensure you are ready and that your guests have a wonderful time. All you need is a 3-ring binder, some paper for listmaking, a pen, and a good block of time to begin planning.

The very first page in any party planner should be a budget. One must always calculate how much can be spent for a proper party so that expectations can be met and limits can be observed. Make a list of the possible expenses such as food and drinks, party goods, entertainment, and gifts. Create a column for projected costs and then be sure to add another column listing how much was actually spent. This will help you plan in the future.

A party guest list should be the next page. Establish the number of people that you are capable of hosting and number the page accordingly. Then create columns that will help you keep track of everything regarding your guests such as their name, RSVP, their gift, and a column for checking when the recipient has sent a Thank You card.

A page where party elements can be devised and reworked is of utmost importance. Will you be cooking, asking others to bring food, or calling a catering company for the party eats? List here the ingredients that should be gathered and the instructions that should be followed to make this very important detail run smoothly. What will your guests be drinking? What games or activities will make up the entertainment for your soiree? This is the place to list any supplies that should be purchased or sought after and the instructions needed to increase preparedness

Another important page to add to your planner is a timeline for the day of the party. Knowing that the party begins at 6 p.m. is not enough when you are the host. There will be many things that need to be done in order to make the day go smoothly and for the party to be a success. Map out your day. Then be sure to follow it so that everything gets done on time.

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