list of priorities for taking care of yourself

Taking care of yourself is often low on the list of priorities. We understand our roles as caretaker, bread winner, homemaker. As mates and parents, we often find ourselves in survival mode:  keeping everyone healthy and alive.  Survival of our own family is hard-wired so that we are constantly making sure that everyone is fed, clothed, warm, and happy.  Taking care of our own needs should also be a priority.  What are you doing to take care of your own needs?

  • Are you eating properly?  Making healthy choices is not just for the kids.
  • Are you making time to exercise?  A brisk walk with the girls or with your family can make you feel great!
  • Are you finding time for you?  A bubble bath, a trip to the grocery store, an evening out with a friend, can restore your sanity and offer you some much needed downtime.
  • Are you pursuing your interests?  A hobby is a great way to let yourself feel like you count.  Schedule in some time to practice or work on your hobby or interest.
  • Are you improving your mind?  Reading, doing word puzzles, or visiting museums or galleries are all great ways to expand your knowledge and brain power.
  • Are you cultivating your relationships?  “No man is an island. . .”  We need those people in our lives that will offer us the support and friendship that we need as human beings.

Jennifer Tankersley:

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