list of things to remember for holiday travel

The two days before Thanksgiving are two of the busiest travel days of the year! It is human nature to want to be with friends and family on traditional holidays. Christmas also brings a strong desire to hop in the car for a roadtrip or jump on a jet or take a train. Whatever method will get you to your loved ones before the festivities begin. Here are some things you should remember for traveling before the holidays.

  • Shop around. Most airlines know you will be traveling for the holidays and they want your business! They start lowering prices on their seats in November, so be on the lookout.
  • There will be crowds. Crowds of people in airports and trains. Crowds of cars on the highways. Be prepared! It may take you longer than normal, but better late than never!!
  • Start your packing list early. Create a packing list to make final packing arrangements quicker and easier. Keep these things in mind: clothing, shoes, toiletries, medication, essential electronics, appropriate documents, etc.
  • Consider small gifts or mailing gifts before travel. With today’s policies of paying for each bag you take on the airplane, it would make sense to box everything up and send them by a parcel service. It may be awkward to try and carry packages onto a train or bus.
  • Less is More. In travel as well as in everything else this holiday season, we should be especially grateful. In the current economy, it may be necessary to make some adjustments in your expectations. Simplify your plans where possible. Reduce your packing when necessary. Use travel time to catch up on reading or planning.

What are your plans for travel this holiday season?

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Jennifer Tankersley:

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