15-Minute Meals

by Jennifer Tankersley
Have you ever arrived home after work or a kid's practice and wished it were possible to serve a meal in just 15 minutes?  Try some of these ideas and add your own.

15-Minute Meal + Suggested Sides Recipe Location | Notes
Super Simple Salmon + frozen (thawed and heated) broccoli http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Super-Simple-Salmon/Detail.aspx?evt19=1
Basic Chicken Salad + carrot sticks http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Basic-Chicken-Salad/Detail.aspx?evt19=1
Greek Salad + chickpeas http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Good-for-You-Greek-Salad/Detail.aspx?evt19=1
Taco in a Bag + salad http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Taco-in-a-Bag/Detail.aspx?event8=1&prop24=SR_Title&e11=tacos&e8=Quick%20Search&event10=1&e7=Recipe%20Hub
Toad in a Hole + fruit salad http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Toad-In-a-Hole/Detail.aspx?event8=1&prop24=SR_Title&e11=toad%20hole&e8=Quick%20Search&event10=1&e7=Recipe


Stay tuned for more to come.


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