Free Lists


As a member of ListPlanIt, you can customize any list to fit your needs and access that list from any device at anytime. As a bonus, you also gain access to the hundreds of downloadable lists available. Start by browsing through the list categories. Choose from the PDFs in the right column. Help yourself to a free ePlanner that includes 8 of our favorite lists. Click on the image below.

Lists Included:

1) Medical Quick List (from Contact Info)

2) One-on-One Journal (from Family Matters)

3) Gifts Fund Worksheet (from Financial Planning)

4) Weekly Cleaning Checklist (from Home Management)

5) Grocery List by Aisle (from Meal Planning)

6) Bucket List (from Personal Interests)

7) Daily Activity (from Time Management)

8) Packing List B (from Travel Planning)

Don’t forget to subscribe to The L.I.S.T., ListPlanIt‘s weekly newsletter with more free lists and tips on how to use them!