list of holiday budget reminders

Holidays of all kinds are truly special opportunities to try new foods, visit friends, show caring and kindness, and have some fun.  However, if you don’t plan ahead, or if you don’t take the time to budget your holiday spending first, they can be devastating to the bank account or credit card.  Setting up a budget can be as simple as setting goals for the amount of money you have to spend and then keeping track so you know if you are within that amount.  Here are some broad categories that should be included on your budget planner.

Help yourself to ListPlanIt’s Holiday Budget Planner for use as a worksheet to your holiday budget planning.

    • Gifts:  family, friends, & others
    • Decor:  tree, decorations, lights, etc
    • Entertainment:  parties, crafts, performances/events, etc
    • Drinks/Food:  cookies, baked treats, holiday meals

Add up your projected costs and then be sure to record your actual costs so that you will know have a better idea for budgeting next year.

Jennifer Tankersley:

View Comments (3)

  • When you offered 'help yourself' to the Holiday Planner form, were you intending for non-members to have access to it? I have not yet been 'gifted' (by my family, it is on my 'wish list') with a subscription and have (thus?) not been able to access the form. Just wondering.

    ~ HveHope

  • I love this budget planner it truly does help every time I go to do my Holiday planning.
    .-= Tricia´s last blog .. =-.

  • Thanks so much for this post - it's been in the back of my mind to get started and this is the perfect motivation!
    .-= Lillian @ Domestic Simplicity´s last blog .. =-.