list of items to include when packing for children

It doesn’t matter that for your entire life before children you never had to check a bag for a flight or that you moved from college to your first apartment filling only the backseat of your Honda Accord. All packing practicality flies right out the window when you are faced with the possibility of being caught without your portable noisemaker that nightly puts baby to sleep or without your collection of favorite DVDs to keep kids busy and happy during long family reunions. Traveling with a child will greatly increase the amount of luggage you bring on a trip. Here are some of the categories of items to pack with your children in mind.

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on a cross-country roadtrip in 2009

  • Clothing – In order to properly show off your child to family, friends, and complete strangers alike, you will want to pack 3 of his or her best outfits for each day. Resist that temptation, however, and try to only pack one outfit per day, including a spare or two for accidents or quick changes. Laundry along the way is usually a possibility. Find out what the weather will be like as much as possible. Don’t forget the essentials such as underwear, socks, and shoes. Leave the pajamas at home and bring a comfortable outfit that can be used as a spare.
  • Toiletries/Medication – No family should ever leave home without a travel-size package of baby wipes. Kids are dirt magnets and a nice wipe down while you are waiting for your luggage might be just the thing. Travel-size shampoo and toothpaste will preserve your child’s good hygiene while away from home.
  • Gear – Here is where it gets dangerous. Baby gear, in particular, tends to not be nearly as compact as those soft, sweet little onesies. On the contrary, it is often large and clunky. In the interest of traveling comfortably, you may have to decide whether you would prefer to have the stroller or the infant carrier, the Pack and Play or bouncy seat.
  • Amusements – It would be wonderful if you could count on your child to simply engage in conversation with the adults or pass time in the car by admiring the scenery. Unfortunately, the one thing you can count on during a trip is your nonverbal child crying for lack of a toy or attention and your verbal child telling you he is bored within 5 minutes of the start of the trip. I’m convinced that a child could survive on a trip with only 1 change of clothing as long as you were prepared with plenty to occupy short attention spans.
  • Snacks – A new pencil box makes a terrific place to store and protect a stash of snacks for the road or flight. Nothing calms down a child or holds a child’s attention quite like the promise of another fruit snack or cracker on the condition that he behaves politely and quietly.

Traveling with children becomes easier with practice.  At first, it may seem so overwhelming that you vow never to leave home again.  Once you establish a routine, adjust your expectations, and conquer your anxiety, traveling with children can be a great pleasure.  How else will you get to see the wonder in their eyes that appears the first time they view the stateliness of the Statue of Liberty or the vastness of the Grand Canyon or the energy of Walt Disney World?  Always remember to pack thoughtfully and lightly, but you can buy it if you forget it!

Jennifer Tankersley: