list of things i want my mom to know this mother’s day

My Mom & I

Being a mom myself has truly opened my eyes to the parent/child dynamic, particularly my role as the child. Although my parents told me they loved me on a daily basis, it wasn’t until I became a parent that I truly understood the unconditional, heart-wrenching love that parents have for their children. By the time that I did begin to grasp the depth of their love for me, I became preoccupied with my own intense love.

My Mom on a horse at her home on Railroad St.

Though my children will never be able to say the same of me, I enjoyed growing up in the same small town that you grew up in. I knew of the old house on Railroad Street. I thought it was pretty amazing that some of my classmates’ parents had been your classmates. I went to the same Middle School and High School that you went to.

My mom on May 24, 1969.

You gave me some good advice when it comes to love, marriage, and sex. There are so many things you taught me that I still recall and rely on in my own family life. I am grateful for the times when you decided to impart a word of wisdom that may not have seemed relevant at the time, but I was grateful that I had those things stored away for when I needed them most.

My Mom and baby Jen

I like the kind of parent that I have turned out to be and I feel as though I owe you so much of that. My style, my gritted teeth through both anger and love, my silliness (come on, you know what I mean), and my fierce desire to demonstrate how much I love my children all come from you. The stuff that you passed on to me that I would have rather not been given, I’ll save for another post (List of Things I Want My Therapist to Know)

My mom, with Trina inside, and me.

Thanks for giving me a sister! I’m pretty sure Dad had something to do with that as well. Even though I didn’t appreciate her when she was coming or even after she arrived, I know that life would be much lonelier without her.

My mom & 12-year-old me.

This is kind of a funny picture. I don’t remember you ever doing my hair, but what I do remember is the unfailing support I received. I wish I could have found a picture of you and me after a Cross Country meet or a Basketball game. When I look back on it and think about how you drove all over central Kansas and beyond to support me in all of my endeavors, I am humbled. I hope that I can show devotion to my children in similar ways as they grow older.

Mom & Dad visiting me in college in 1993.

I’ve heard people say that parents should be parents and not try to be friends with their children. I understand the principle of that, but I think our friendship gave me a lot of strength. It gave me confidence and courage to do things that I would never have been able to do otherwise. I loved cruising Main Street with you. I love shopping with you. I loved being at the swimming pool with you. We had fun!

May 7, 1994

Through all of the stages of my life, I could count on you. It is so good to have people you know you can trust to love you and to love those you love most. It is the most wonderful, comforting feeling.

August 2009

I love you, Mom! Have a very Happy Mother’s Day!!

Jennifer Tankersley:

View Comments (2)

  • I am in Hong Kong and also feel your happy when doing homemade product. Me too

    Wish you have a comfort home everyday


  • Happy Mother's Day Jenn... that was a lovely tribute and you have great photos!