list of ways a membership to ListPlanIt.com is helpful throughout the holidays

There is an enormous amount of planning that goes into the holiday season.  There are gifts to be purchased and wrapped, meals to be prepared, homes to be cleaned and decorated, crafts to be crafted, and memories to be made.  With everything going on during this beautiful season, it is hard to see the chaos ensuing until the day after Christmas.  Then it tends to broadside a person.  Everything that has been done for Christmas must then be undone for the New Year.

A membership to ListPlanIt.com can help you plan out what needs to be done in the days and weeks ahead. Sometimes, even in the digital age (or maybe especially in the digital age), we need a place to work out the jumble in our brain. Put it down on paper. Have a chance to visualize our goals and the steps that we need to accomplish them. And right now, you can purchase a 2-year Download Membership for the price of 1 year. That gives you the ability to print or download whatever you need, whenever you need, as often as you need it for 2 years!  See here for more details.

Here are some ways that you can utilize your ListPlanIt membership throughout the holiday season and beyond.

  • Holiday Preparations
    Whether you are still in the thick of finalizing Christmas gift/meal/get-together details or plan to send 2011 out with a bang, ListPlanIt has everything you need in Holidays & Occasions to work it out and then rest assured that you’ve got it under control. Sometimes, all you need is a peaceful moment to collect your thoughts and put them in order.  A membership started today will give you a jumpstart on planning for next year’s holiday season!
  • Plot your Resolutions
    Use the pages in Personal Interests to not only make your resolutions, but to make a plan of attack.
  • Jot To Dos
    ListPlanIt‘s Time Management section is full of calendars as well as daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly planning pages.
  • Inventory Meals and Food Storage
    Everything you need to plan your weekly to monthly menu as well as plan the grocery list can be found in Meal Planning. Stop killing yourself trying to come up with dinner night after night. Have a Meal Planning binder plus a list of your family’s favorite meals makes dinner a snap. Make meal planning a part of your “Healthy You” resolutions.
  • Schedule Regular Exercise
    Using a combination of Time Management and Personal Interests, you can see where exercise fits best in your daily routine. Then be sure to set goals and track your progress. Find someone who will hold you accountable for this healthy step.
  • Budget your Finances
    Financial Planning has what you need to track your finances. Create a budget based on your expenses per pay period. Designate each and every penny you spend. Create funds for auto, childcare, clothing, groceries, holidays, home, medical, savings, travel, utilities, etc, to hold your money until you need it. Face facts and taste freedom all at the same time.
  • Delegate Tasks
    You can’t do it alone. Being part of a family means that you all must pull together to accomplish all that needs to happen within the demands of a normal household. Delegate! You’ll find Responsibility Lists and Honey Do Lists in Family Matters
  • Plan your Holiday Recovery
    Whether you have a winter or spring break getaway in the making (Travel Planning) or just want to get your kids back on track with their homework (Student Planning) and family routines (Family Matters), ListPlanIt has hundreds of pages all geared toward helping you live a more organized life.

How will you get organized for the holidays and beyond?

ListPlanIt.com also has each of our categories available individually as ePlanners for just $7.00 each.
Jennifer Tankersley: