list of ways to carve out time for a hobby or pasttime

Have you ever longed for the days when you pursued something that was purely out of passion? Do you ever dream of opportunities to develop your talents and interests?

Carving time outside of our normal duties of work, home, and family can sometimes feel impossible.  Despite the fact that you may find sincere satisfaction out of your responsibilities and may pursue ways to improve your skills and the comfort of everyone including yourself, there may remain a desire for personal pursuits.

  • Schedule time – Assign your hobby a daily, weekly, or monthly timeslot in your calendar or planner.  Note it in your family’s message center so that everyone knows that that is your time.
  • Find a partner or a team to hold you accountable – When you have someone or a group of people to “report” to, you are more likely to make your hobby a priority. 
  • Be hobby-ready – By keeping a bag with your knitting ready to leave the house with you, then you can quickly grab it on your way to a Doctor’s office visit or a carpool pick up.
  • Find a dedicated spot – Creating a dedicated space for your hobby or pasttime offers a legitimate place to pursue your passion.  For example, a craft room provides a welcoming place to get some scrapbook time or the basement provides a perfect private place to practice your latest clogging steps.

See Monday’s post, list of hobbies or pasttimes that enrich your life, for more ideas on new hobbies or pasttimes.  What hobbies or passtimes do you pursue?

Jennifer Tankersley: