list of ways to reduce fossil fuels in my food

Okay, not so much IN my food, but unless I lived in California or another major food-producing place, fossil fuel is what would bring most of the items in my grocery store to my table. As you may have read from my previous post, I have started to look at my food differently. Instead of asking myself if it is the cheapest I can buy, I have started asking if I have shortened the trip.

  1. Bake my own bread or buy from a local breadmaker. Not only is it way more delicious and hardy then Wonder, but it is pretty fun! I recently bought a big round Peasant Bread from a local baker. It was so delicious for both dinner with Beef Barley Soup and breakfast with some local honey drizzled over it.
  2. Shop at my local natural foods store. I’ve noticed that because the prices are generally more than a regular grocery store, I am more choosy about my purchases and tend to put them to better use.
  3. Buy fruits and vegetables in season. I know it can be hard to wait to eat strawberries, but the payoff when eating fresh, just-picked berries is tremendous and worth it!
  4. Ask my grocer where the food in my favorite store is coming from. Let them know that I support your local growers.
  5. Grow a garden, buy a share at a CSA, or shop at my local farmer’s market.
Jennifer Tankersley:

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  • I have been working an the bread baking. I have a breadmaker and have used it a few times. I am also planning on growing my own garden this summer as well as my own herbs.

  • the title certainly made me read it. :-) We live in the country so local is easy to get. :-) Not to mention the fishing and hunting that just goes with living here :-)