List Spotlight: Two-Week Menu & Grocery Planner

This is a new feature here on the blog to spotlight the many uses of the lists to which members of ListPlanIt have access.  However, you don’t have to be a member of ListPlanIt to check out the list and even to view my own version of the list.  You might just find some inspiration to create a list of your own or to get started on a new, positive habit.  Not yet a member but think you’d like to try it out?  Start your 30-day free trial when you sign up today!

This week’s spotlight is on our Two Week Menu & Grocery Planner in Meal Planning.  This is one of my favorite lists because I plan my menu for a two-week period that coincides with our pay day.  By creating a menu ahead of time and for a longer length of time, I can rest assured that I have meals enough to cover us throughout the two weeks and yet my pantry and refrigerator are full with the items that I need and not a bunch of excess that I might never use.  By creating a menu, I save time and money at the grocery and in meal planning each night for dinner.  When I have a plan for dinner each night, it eliminates the temptation to eat frequently in restaurants, and that also saves me a lot of money.  Here is my upcoming two-week menu.

Click image to view my Two-Week Menu & Grocery Planner

ListPlanIt makes it easy to create and manage your lists from your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.  Plus, get access to hundreds of printable lists if you prefer filling in your lists by hand.  For more information on how to maximize your menu planning, see our Steps to Simple yet Effective Menu Planning.
Jennifer Tankersley: