The Month Ahead: October 2013

As each good planner has a place for a monthly calendar, weekly, and often daily planning pages, ListPlanIt has the pages you need to create your own planner.  All you need is a binder (I love Mead’s Notebinder for its flexibility and Staples arc system for its ease of customization), a hole punch, and pages from ListPlanIt.com‘s Time Management section.  You can create and customize your own planner for your own uses.  The Month Ahead offers holidays*, special events*, and reminders to help you get and stay ahead of your business, home, and/or family life.

* holidays and special events are mainly those of the U.S.  If you are from a different part of the world, feel free to note your holiday or special event below in the comments.

Click image to download an October 2013 calendar.


  • 10/14/12 (Monday) – Columbus Day, Thanksgiving (Canada)
  • 10/31/12 (Thursday) – Halloween

Special Events

  • 10/6/12 – 10/12/12 – Fire Prevention Week
  • October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month


  • Start thinking how to make the most of the long holiday weekend in early October. Go leaf peeping or plan a camping trip. Enjoy family and friends.
  • If you celebrate Halloween, start discussing costumes early so you can gather the materials you need to get it made or ordered in time to arrive before any celebrations.
  • Begin thinking about Christmas gifts. Prepare a gift list and start to keep your eyes open for potential purchases.

Visit ListPlanIt‘s Facebook page and tell us how October is shaping up for you.

Jennifer Tankersley: