list of foods to have available for healthy breakfast ideas

Breakfast has always been a difficult meal for me.  For one thing, I am usually not hungry until around 9:30 or 10 in the morning, but my children usually are.  While they are getting to the age that they can prepare themselves something to eat for breakfast, I want to have healthy options for them to make choices based on a limited, but pleasing variety.  I also like simple.  The simpler the food, the less processing and additives are involved.  Also, try and fit some protein into breakfast and it will last a lot  longer.  Here are some of our favorite options.

  • Fruit – Fruit is the ultimate in portability and ease.  Having washed and ready options such as apples, pears, bananas, oranges, etc, can make breakfast not only healthy, but easy.
  • Dry cereals –  Several different kinds of wholegrain, low-sugar cereals give children the satisfaction of choice.  Be sure to stay well-stocked in milk.
  • Hot cereal Oatmeal and a variety of tasty additions such as fruit, nuts, honey, and maple syrup allow children to be creative.
  • Eggs – If your children enjoy a heartier breakfast, having eggs available for hard-boiling or frying can be a quick and easy fix.
  • Granola bars These are the ultimate breakfast-on-the-go items to have around.  Look for the bars with the most food value:  whole grains, fruit, nuts, and fiber.
  • BreadBread can be made into toast or a sandwich (who says you can’t have sandwiches for breakfast?).  All it takes is a variety of additions:  jam, honey, peanut butter, cheese, etc.
  • Yogurt – Once I discovered that most yogurts have as much sugar in them as a candy bar, I shied away from them for a good while.  However, I began to realize that there are definite health benefits to yogurt.  Buy plain yogurt and add fresh fruit or look for yogurts that are low in sugar and contain active cultures.  Stonyfield Farm yogurt is a favorite of ours.  It costs a little more, but in my opinion, the benefits over many cheap yogurts are worth it.

What are some of your healthy breakfast ideas and ingredients?

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Jennifer Tankersley:

View Comments (4)

  • thanks for the tips! I have one breakfast boy and one grumpy girl in the morning to deal with. having healthy breakfasts ready to go is a big help.

  • We make extra waffles, freeze them, and they are easy and quick to fix in the toaster oven for other days.

  • I think that you had me in mind when you made this list. I was just trying to think of what to have on hand this month. Muffins are a staple in my house for breakfast. Oh and pre-made pancakes & sausages. We make these on the weekend and put up leftovers for quick meals in the am. :)