list of september to-dos

Today is the first day of the new school year for my community and family. It is an exciting time filled with enthusiasm and change. Kids have met their new teachers and now it is time to begin settling in to a new routine. I still have a lot of the same catch-up projects that I had at the beginning of schoolyears past. Now, I must choose to ignore them or prioritize and schedule time to work on them.

Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they need to plan and organize their fall home in Home Management.  Not yet a member?  Join today and be ready for fall holidays & events.

Here is my list of tasks to complete in the next few weeks.

    • Do a Health Check-In. Am I eating a healthy number of calories?  Am I exercising frequently?  Have I had my annual physical?
    • Put away summer toys (e.g., beach items, etc.).
    • Exchange summer clothing for cooler-weather clothing.
    • Organize summer photos.
    • Target areas of my house that have become a catch-all during the busy summer.
    • Begin to think ahead to fall/holiday events and planning.
    • Adjust to extra-curricular activity schedules (e.g., soccer practice/games, Brownie/Cub Scout meetings, etc.).
    • Revisit budget and financial planning pages to make sure we are on target for holidays.

What is on your Fall To Do List?

Jennifer Tankersley:

View Comments (2)

  • Adorable picture. I am the mother of 3 grown children and my list is quite similar to yours. Especially the look ahead to the holiday calendar. I learned years ago the scariest part of Halloween is the fact that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just weeks away. I never worried much about spring cleaning since spring meant we would be spending more time outside- so fall cleaning is still the major activity. As well as cleaning - I begin baking, freezing and planning holiday meals to keep my sanity. The most important gift we can give our family is a calm and happy Mom.

  • Ok, first off, I LOVE that picture! How cute is that!! And second, your list looks pretty similar to mine. The only thing I would add is that I also do fall cleaning. Its a modified version of spring cleaning where I go through a lot of things to make sure I didn't accumulate too much over summer and I also go through the kids toys since we have the holidays coming up in the next few months. Our weather is still pretty goofy at this time of year so we don't officially get the winter things or cooler weather things out until the weather permits it or actually calls for it.