list of supplies needed for a typical summer camp experience

If your child is planning to attend a summer camp this summer or in the future, there are a quite a few items that may be needed for maximum safety and ultimate fun.  Start collecting items now so you are not frantically running around when the time comes.  Increase your child’s enthusiasm for summer camp by letting him/her participate in the process.

Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they need to plan for summer camp in Student Planning.  Not yet a member?  Join today and get organized for a fun summer.

  • Clothing – While this may seem like a no-brainer, it is the variety of clothing that should be considered here.  Will it be hot during the day?  Will it be chilly at night?  Would a hat be useful to protect the face and head?  Will they need a coverup or robe to go to the showers in the morning?
  • Bedding – If your child is sleeping away at summer camp, will they need a blanket or sleeping bag?  Should he/she bring her own pillow?  Are sheets necessary?
  • Bunk Gear – Bunkhouses usually come with few comforts or conveniences.  Start with a trunk or a duffle bag to hold all their stuff.  Will your child need a flashlight, headlamp, or lantern?  How about a laundry bag for dirty clothes?
  • Personal Hygiene – What basic supplies will your child need for camp?  Shampoo?  Soap?  Toothbrush/toothpaste?  Washcloth?  Will they need to bring laundry detergent?  Be sure to include a first aid kit, sunscreen, and some insect repellent.
  • Activities – Will there be swimming?  Be sure to pack a bathing suit, towel, and flip flops.  How about a cinch sack or backpack to carry equipment?  Are there sports and games?  Don’t forget sneakers, bandanas, and other appropriate equipment.
  • Dining – A mess kit might be a necessity.  This should include a plate/bow/cup set plus sturdy utensils.  Be sure to bring a clean, breathable bag to store the dishes.
  • Extras – A camera is an important thing to bring to camp to capture the memories.  Check the list for the following:  compass, water bottle, alarm clock, and a photo from home. Will they have time to write home?  Be sure to pack stationery and writing utensils.  How about a journal to record camp memories?  Often times, there is a snack or gift shop.  Be sure to send a little spending money for a true taste of independence.

What summer camp necessities did you find to be invaluable to your summer camp or your child’s summer camp experience?

Jennifer Tankersley:

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  • After looking for months for a camp that fit my daughters interest I came across a wonderful site.
    http://www.thesummerlady.com was more then happy to help me every step of the way. And all for FREE! I couldn't have been happier and more satisfied with all their help. Thank you for the wonderful summer and all the great memories my daughter made.