list of tasks for a smooth schoolday morning routine

By now, school has been back in session for a month (or more), and everyone in your house has likely slid into a comfortable morning routine. Whether you are schooling at home or sending your child off on the bus or a bike to school, there are certainly ways to make the the first part of the day as smooth and peaceful as possible. Choose what works best for your family. Test and tweak to get the right combination. Then get ready to have calm, productive and enjoyable mornings before school!

Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they need to create and maintain a routine that works in Student Planning.  Not yet a member?  Join today and get organized for manic mornings, aftershock afternoons, and bouncing bedtimes.

  • Make your bed
    • This is a great way to start the day and an important life skill.
    • A neat bed is especially nice to climb into at night.
  • 5 Minute Room Rescue
    • I recently heard this name for something we have been doing for a while in our home.
    • Set a timer for 5 minutes and see how much you can accomplish picking up a room.
    • You (and your kids) will be amazed what a difference 5 minutes can do!
  • Get dressed
    • For my daughters it works to have them lay out their outfit the night before.  My son will throw on the first thing he pulls out of the drawer.
  • Eat Breakfast
    • A healthy meal before school fuels healthy brains.
  • Pack Lunch
    • I actually pack my kids’ lunch while they eat breakfast- it works for us
  • Brush teeth and hair
  • Pack backpacks
    • Include lunchbox, folder with homework from the night before, P.E. sneakers, a “share” item, library book or whatever they need each day (a schedule for each child is especially helpful posted on the refrigerator or by the door).
  • Put on shoes
  • Get everything ready by the door
    • Backpack, jacket, etc.
  • Find a quiet activity until bus comes

What is the most important part of your schoolday morning routine?

Jennifer Tankersley:

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