mom’s favorite lists

Today, I am guest posting over at the very sweet BetterInBulk blog, where visitors are sure to satisfy their cravings.  I list some of my favorite lists that I use day to day.

Head on over there and check it out. And while you are there, be sure to look around.  Lolli is a mother of 5 children and a wonderful photographer.  You will surely get your fill of happy children.

mom's favorite lists |

One response to “mom’s favorite lists”

  1. Mary Ellen Mary Ellen says:

    Memorial Day!!???? EEEKK I haven’t even thought about it!! I do love to make Strawberry pretzel salad any time we get together with family or friends!

    I just found out I won a year’s membership to your fantastic lists from Mary Janes and Golashes!! I am so very excited to have won and can’t wait to start using your great tools!! I do so hope I will be organized with all these lists making it easy for me!

    bee blessed


So you can get your list on.

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