list of expenses to include in a travel budget

Travel, though fun and satisfying, is expensive. You should not take a trip without knowing how much it is going to cost you. A realistic travel budget will give you not only some peace of mind, but some direction on how much you actually have to spend.

Here are some things to consider:

list of expenses to include in a travel budget |

  • Administrative – passports, visas, maps
  • Tickets – boat, train, or plane
  • Auto – car rental, gas, tolls
  • Lodging – camp sites, hotels
  • Food – pack your own, restaurants
  • Entertainment – attractions, museums, concerts
  • Shopping – gifts, souvenirs
  • Pet/Child Care

Read more about preparing yourself financially for a vacation or travel.


6 responses to “list of expenses to include in a travel budget”

  1. Great tips! It’s so easy to blow up the budget when we’re having fun. A list is a great way to keep track of everything.

  2. jennifer says:

    Great point Jodi. Multiply $10 to park your car by the number of days in your trip and you’ve added quite a chunk.

  3. If you fly – don’t forget the parking at the airport. Here in Boston, airport parking is crazy-expensive!
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  4. Mekhismom says:

    Great list, very useful. I popped in from MOm’s blogger club.

  5. sara says:

    i love this blog, its very very handy, :) definately will have to bookmark it :)

  6. Tonya says:

    You have a great site. I love how you laid out the expenses for traveling. Also thanks for visiting my blog!


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