list of foods to include in "crunchy plate" night

Some nights, it is nice to take a break from cooking. This would be a good time to provide your family with a healthy meal that can be assembled in a few minutes, has little cleanup, and teaches even the little ones that they, too, can help feed the family. Here is a list of foods that you can put out for your family on “Crunchy Plate” night:

list of foods to include in "crunchy plate" night |

  1. A variety of whole wheat or multi-grain crackers
  2. A variety of cheeses, cut into chunks or slices
  3. Spreadable cheeses such as Laughing Cow or cream cheese
  4. Fruit such as grapes, pears, orange slices
  5. Cut vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers. red/yellow peppers
  6. Hard-boiled eggs
  7. Summer sausage
  8. Deli meats
  9. Nuts such as pistachios (easy to open)
  10. Chips and salsa

4 responses to “list of foods to include in "crunchy plate" night”

  1. ~Cathy~ says:

    Sounds yummy! And easy!

  2. The Family CEO says:

    I love this idea! Perfect for summer.

  3. Nicole says:

    That’s my kind of dinner. :)

    Growing up, each year for our extended family Christmas, our dinner was all munchies. Mini tostadas, mini meatballs, lil’ smokies, veggies, chips, etc. Some healthy stuff, some not-so but all of it eat-n-run food. It’s one of my best childhood memories. I loved that tradition.

  4. Mandy says:

    This is an extremely useful list…especially for my children! Thanks for posting!


So you can get your list on.

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