list of "good things" on martha stewart’s blogging show

I am here in the studio audience of the LIVE Blogging episode of the Martha Stewart Show. My journey here started last week when I was sent an invitation to attend the show. I made the decision to come to New York City, which I knew would involve 2 bus trips, beginning in Maine and ending at Penn Station, to get here. I am fortunate to have a lovely cousin living in Queens with her beautiful family. They were willing to give me a place to sleep for a couple of nights. Thanks, Rachel!

I took the 6:12 train this morning to come to the city in order to be first in line (I was 3rd)! For you list mamas here is a list of the exciting things I experienced today on the show.

list of "good things" on martha stewart's blogging show |

  1. Martha, of course. She looks lovely today.
  2. Lots of celebrities. Perez Hilton, Darcey Miller (editor of Martha’s Weddings Magazine),
  3. Lots of amazing bloggers – Deb of Smitten Kitchen, Maria & Stephanie of A Year of Mornings, the blogger who created Cute Overload. I am surrounded by bloggers with laptops on laps, fingers flying.
  4. Blogging tips and advice
  5. Food! I’m hungry!! I hadn’t eaten before the show. Didn’t think my stomach could take it on top of the excitement.
  6. Crafts! Flea market finds from Eddie Ross of The Design Blog.
  7. Politics! Ben Smith & Jonathan Martin of Politico. A great insight into the current political issues of the day.
  8. Gardening! Margaret Roach of A Way to Garden Blog. My favorite thing is her stories about the Frog Boys! “Cute Sells,” says Martha.
  9. The ability to blog, Twitter, & chat with my Hubby through Instant Messenger between segments.
  10. Goodies! We’re getting the Cute Overload calendar, the Year of Mornings book, and an HP wireless printer.

What a fun experience! I have had a great day in New York!

8 responses to “list of "good things" on martha stewart’s blogging show”

  1. Tanja says:

    You lucky, lucky girl!

  2. sauchagirl says:

    I was there too! I wish I could have tried to arrange to meet more bloggers! It was so exciting wasn’t it?

    I love your site and LISTS! Yeah for lists!

  3. Margaret says:

    I love to make lists almost as much as I love my frogboys (and thanks for the kind words about them). I have moved up from pieces of paper to whiteboards and erasable markers, so I think it’s verging on an addiction over here.

  4. Debbie says:

    Wow! How exciting for you. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  5. sarah says:

    I can’t believe you took two buses, but it was totally worth it. I was so surprised when you said you were from Maine (yes, tis me, the insanely quiet girl who was sitting next to you).

  6. (fairy) Godmother says:

    I am so incredibly and insanely jealous! Is it taped live or will it air another time?

  7. Daisy Blue says:

    How wonderful for you! Thanks so much for sharing every bit of the experience! I’ve been following you over on Twitter, too! Feel like I was there myself! LOL

  8. Maternally Posh says:

    So glad you made it!


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