list of items to purge from each room of your home

If you are considering and planning for a spring cleaning, the best preparation is to clear out the clutter, unused, broken, or unwanted items in each room of your home. Sort each item into 1 of 3 piles: donate, sell, throw away/recycle. Here are some items that you will want to consider getting rid of.

list of items to purge from each room of your home |

  • Unwanted, unused appliances
  • Broken items
  • Expired items
  • Outgrown clothing/shoes
  • Clutter and piles of paper
  • Hidden clutter/piles in closets/drawers
  • Media/books that are no longer enjoyed
  • Items you “plan” to reuse (just get rid of it)
  • Unused, outgrown toys/games
  • Unnecessary, extraneous furniture/collectibles

Please enjoy‘s Room by Room Purge worksheet. There is space at the bottom of each box to type in your own ideas and needs.


7 responses to “list of items to purge from each room of your home”

  1. Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom says:

    Great list, and thanks for the worksheet! I definitely need to do periodic room by room purges in order to keep things under control.

    Thanks for linking up too, I knew you would have some great organizing posts! :)

  2. momstheword says:

    Oh absolutely. I like to go through my things at least twice a year because it’s amazing. I can always come up with something to get rid of. I love your website. I have been on it before but could not remember the name. So glad I know now so I can add it to my list….get it, list! (hehehe)

  3. Megan@Disorder2Order says:

    This is a fantastic list – – thanks so much for sharing… and posting it as a download!

  4. Maria@Conversations with Moms says:

    Great list. I have to do this at my house.

  5. Brethart77 says:

    My mother would take all but just a few of our favorite toys to goodwill each christmas eve – I was in my twenties before I realized.

  6. ~Kylee in CT says:

    With a 15yo, a 3yo and a hubs who acts like a teenager, I agree with EntertainingMom.

    Who would we blame ALL the mess on though… =)

  7. EntertainingMom says:

    I’ve been doing this slowly… room by room. It feels great!!! But you left something off your list. The Children! Because you know if you purged your children from each room you would have a MUCH tidier house!!


So you can get your list on.

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