list of reasons to start a blog

I dragged my heels about starting a blog, but since I really committed myself to it, I find that it is one of my favorite things to do! There is something therapeutic about writing whatever comes to mind and knowing that it has the possibility to reach the world. Here are some reasons why you might also decide to start your own blog:

list of reasons to start a blog |

  1. You can write about anything you want: recipes, tips, photos, family, business, ANYTHING!
  2. You can start a blog for FREE! Blogger or wordpress or typead are all free to start.
  3. A blog is easy to start. Setup is in minutes. You can choose from a variety of templates so that your blog will be appealing.
  4. Blogging is a great way to meet people. I have met so many people from all over the world who blog about the subjects that interest me.
  5. You can make money from your blog. Of course, this takes quite a bit of work, but there are many bloggers who make a regular income by selling products or space on their blogs.
  6. Blogging can be a creative outlet. You know you have something unique inside, blogging is a way to unleash that.

If you are already a blogger, then what are the reasons that you started your blog?

9 responses to “list of reasons to start a blog”

  1. clockworkpink2 says:

    I am so happy that I started blogging. It’s such a great way to find other creative people and to show off your creative work. About a year or two ago I never thought I’d be blogging!

  2. Melanie says:

    I started blogging at first to get our (husband and self) custom pencil drawing site, “seen!” When you have a regular site…it is soooo hard to get traffic to it. Then I realized blogging really gets the traffic (still with effort, I know) for free more so than regular sites. I had to pay many times trying to get that site seen. Well, I started blogging that site then I realized I enjoyed it and made my own subject matter on myself being Thrifty and being and Art Teacher…had to throw in the “Creative” and together you have Thrifty and Creative and I just find it fun.

    Our art site: We still have it but will resort more to Etsy as people are more likely to buy from a site they know. We have sold on Ebay also.

  3. gina says:

    I first started blogging over three years ago as a way to document my homeschool adventure. That journey ended but I loveed the connections I made with people so I have continued blogging on and off over the years. Now I see it as a great way to also document memories of our everyday lives and I kind of wish I hadn’t deleted those older blogs…

  4. Sue says:

    Honestly I started mine, to maybe try to make a little extra money. Being a Stay at home mom , I thought I could, it’s not easy to do like you said. But it turned out that I really like writing and creating stuff for my blog too!

  5. Country Gal says:

    For me blogging is a creative outlet…a way to create something that won’t get eaten right away!

  6. Cindi-Moomettesgram says:

    I began blogging to promote my online ebiz boutique and ebay stores. I grew to enjoy blogging, and now have a WAHM blog and a fun blog. It’s also a way to express my thoughts and opinions without having to worry about being censored in any forums! Ta Da! Being a Baby Boomer, I have lots of opinions!

  7. Nicole (SAHM Ramblings) says:

    Hey. Don’t forget that it’s a fun way to have an impact on other people’s lives. I love knowing that a piece of advice I provided came in handy for someone or that something touched someone.

  8. Samantha says:

    I started my blog as a way for family that lives far away to stay up to date with the happenings in our household. Blogs also work great as personal journals, I can go back and find out dates of when my son did something memorable.
    I love to blog, it’s great therapy, even though it’s an addiction as well.

  9. Courtney says:

    I start blogging so I would have something that is just mine, not my kids and not my husbands.


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