list of reasons to visit a fire station in october

Today, Claire and I are headed to the Topsham Fire Station with our playgroup. I’ve taken my children almost every year since my first child was 18 months. I’ve never had a bad experience. The firefighters understand that it is part of their civic duty, to not only battle raging fires, but to educate our children. Here are some reasons you should gather a few other moms and their children and schedule a tour at your local fire station.

list of reasons to visit a fire station in october |

  1. October is Fire Prevention Month.
  2. Children get to meet real live heroes.
  3. It is fun to see what life is like for a firefighter on duty.
  4. The children learn not to fear someone dressed in safety gear.
  5. Children get to sit in the fire engine.
  6. If they are lucky, they’ll get to see someone slide down the pole.
  7. If they are really lucky, they’ll get to see the firefighters in action.
  8. Seeing your child in the safety gear is a perfect photo op.

One response to “list of reasons to visit a fire station in october”

  1. Brethart77 says:

    If they are really lucky, they will get to use a fire extinguisher!



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