list of sandwich ideas for your child’s lunchbox

With kids heading back to school, parents have to adjust to making school lunches between the chaos of breakfast and rushing to the bus stop. We want our kids’ lunches to be simple, yet nutritious. And variety is the spice of life, right? So break out your reusable containers. Check out Lunch in a for tips, recipes, and links to lunchbox sandwich ideas. Here are some more ideas:

list of sandwich ideas for your child's lunchbox |

  1. Grilled cheese sandwich
  2. Ham/Turkey and cheese sandwich
  3. Fried egg sandwich
  4. B, L, T (substitutions can be made)
  5. Tuna/Chicken salad
  6. Peanut butter & banana
  7. Peanut butter & honey
  8. Peanut butter & jam
  9. Peanut butter & apple butter
  10. Meatloaf sandwich (use up your leftovers)

There are so many options for sandwiches and you can cut them into different shapes for even more lunchtime fun.

9 responses to “list of sandwich ideas for your child’s lunchbox”

  1. LessLisa says:

    Peanut Butter and marshmallow fluff (fluffernutters) is a huge hit in our house!

  2. Marie says:

    love all the sandwich ideas! I invested in a good thermos and send in leftovers quite often. Pasta, stew, chicken pie, even waffles and sausages are just some of the yummies my son enjoyed.

  3. Samantha says:

    Oh yum!!! I totally need to make a meatloaf now so I can have a leftover meatloaf sandwitch!

  4. The Glamorous WAHM says:

    Very good Ideas! I’m always at a loss for different ideas!

  5. AudreyO says:

    My kids have often taken cold grilled cheese. They love it!!

  6. adymommy says:

    Good list! I have one starting kindergarten, she will be taking her lunch and I am worried about what to pack. This list gave me some sandwich ideas I hadn’t thought of before.

  7. Cindy says:

    The one thing I hate about back-to-school is trying to figure out what to put in those lunchboxes. Thanks for the list!

  8. Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom says:

    I love lunch ideas, so far for myself b/c Sweetpea is too young for school yet. We love pb with honey and banana too! Also with leftover meatballs from spaghetti and meatballs we make some great meatball subs!

    Take care,

  9. (fairy) Godmother says:

    What a great list! Myself, I am a huge fan of peanut butter — especially pb, honey and banana sandwiches. We often have this for breakfast. It’s fast and filling. I use any meat left-over for sandwiches… this includes any kind of chicken, London broil, etc… Christopher also likes sliced egg sandwiches as well as egg salad. We change the bread around all the time too. We use sourdough, whole wheat, rye, pumpernickel, etc… Ok, I am hungry now and off to get some breakfast!


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