list of steps to starting a blog

I only discovered blogging about a year ago, and it took a few months for me to figure out what the big deal was. What I discovered is that it is a fun and creative way to share your thoughts and passions with the world. Everyone wants to feel they’ve made an impact, some type of mark in the world. Blogging gives the world an opportunity to see what you’re made of. If you have not yet taken the time to set up a piece of you on the blogosphere because you have been concerned it would be too hard, then simply follow these steps to your very own blog.

list of steps to starting a blog |

  1. Decide what type of blog you would like to start. Will it be personal (photos of family, stories about your children) or will it be business (website-related, affiliate marketing)?
  2. Decide which blogging service you want to use. I have used Blogger, but there is also WordPress, Typepad, and others. For this post, we will use Blogger.
  3. Set up an account at Blogger.
  4. Decide on a name for your blog.
  5. Choose a domain name (the name that will be typed into the web address line above). Search its availability. This is actually the hardest part of the whole process. Finding a name that is not taken is not easy.
  6. Choose a template from the pre-made ones shown. Feel free to experiment. You can even change the look after you’ve personalized your blog.
  7. Start typing! Introduce your self, your ideas, your blog to the world.
  8. Spread the word to family and friends. Let them know where you can be found.
  9. Be aware of the everyday. You’ll be surprised how often you’ll start to think about things in terms of relating it on your blog.
  10. Customize and personalize. There is a wide range of buttons, banners, and links that you can display on your blog that show who you are and what interests you. Some are for fun, some are for cash. You be the judge.
  11. Check out your fellow bloggers’ blogs. It is fun to look around, leave comments, and make friends around the world with like-minded, or not so like-minded (but very interesting) people.

I love blogging so much, that I am starting a new one on one of my favorite topics – The Holidays (particularly Christmas). Check it out!

10 responses to “list of steps to starting a blog”

  1. heather says:

    The “I Did My Chores!” chore system came with a great book that includes instructions, sample chores and sample rewards. They list 50 different rewards. Because of the ages of my children, I only used 9 of their suggestions. The other 12 rewards I came up with just because I know what my children enjoy. Thanks for your feedback!

  2. heather says:

    I am so excited to start reading your Christmas blog. I tell everyone I know about listplanit–it really does keep me sane! How did you find my blog at http://[email protected]? Just curious. I was so excited to see someone that I don’t know leave a comment :-) …..can you tell I am new at this blogging stuff??? :-)

  3. resort says:

    seems that your blog is making me addicted.. will make sure to have a stop over here.

    beach resort

  4. Angela Moore says:

    Cant’ wait for the new Christmas one!! Blogging is totally addictive. That’s why I own four and blog for three others. And this is in addition to my day job and being a mom!

  5. autismfamily says:

    Nice list. I just started blogging as well. I wanted a place to communicate since my autism site at BellaOnline does not support such a system and hard to get traffic at the forums.

    Your new blog sounds uplifting and should be a great source of information and ideas for the holidays.

    I will be returning.

  6. (fairy) Godmother says:

    I am looking forward to your new blog!

  7. Laurin says:

    I am totally addicted and am starting a second blog too.

    Your new blog sounds fascinating. I’ll be sure to check it out. Maybe it will help me start a little earlier this year.

  8. Robin says:

    Always love stoppin by your blog:) I love blogging too, just started my 3rd; about single moms. Come by and let me know what you think. I’d love to be added to one of yours if you have any room. Can’t wait to see what you write next. Have a wonderful week my friened. Robin

  9. Sandra says:

    My husband and our good friends were teasing me at dinner for having 5 blogs. It’s addictive (addicting?)! Thanks for the post. I’ll be sure to refer people to it who ask me about starting a blog. I’m looking forward to your new site!

  10. Kelly says:

    #10 is so true! i surprise myself with all the things that i find to write about.


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