list of things i want for my birthday

That’s right! Tomorrow is the big 3-6 for me. I can’t believe it. I feel like I don’t know how I got here. I was 11 when my mom turned 36 and I thought she was so OLD! I was only just 18 and heading off to college. I’ve been married for 14 years already!! Reality check. Yep – I’m that old. Since I am the birthday girl, I guess I can use my own blog for my list of demands – oops! I mean my list of wishes.

list of things i want for my birthday |

  1. I want to sleep until I wake up. And even when I do wake up, I want to be able to stay in the bed until I feel like getting out.
  2. I want to be really selfish for an entire day – no thinking about what others need (or want).
  3. I want to eat dinner in a restaurant! A nice sit-down place where someone comes and serves me. I might even wear a little makeup for the occasion. It is so rare these days for our family to eat prepared food from something other than a box!
  4. I want to browse through a bookstore and pick one of each: 1 book, 1 DVD, 1 CD.
  5. I want to go see a movie. In my former life, almost every special occasion was celebrated at the movie theater.
  6. I want to have lunch with a friend and sit and tell stories and laugh the entire lunch!
  7. I want to spend the afternoon browsing the flea market or antiques mall.
  8. I want to snuggle on the couch with my 3 children, while my oldest reads us book after book.
  9. I want a beautifully tender kiss from my husband.
  10. I want to know that all of my family and friends, near and far away, are glad that I am a part of their lives. I know I glad that they are a part of mine!

6 responses to “list of things i want for my birthday”

  1. Cindi@ Moomettesgram's Musings says:

    Happy 36 birthday! Enjoy your day & that's a wonderful, realistic list! Hope it all comes true for you!

  2. Pink & Green Mama says:

    Happy Birthday! I want to steal your list. Mine is on Tuesday and when I told my hubby I want to sleep in on my birthday he said I could do it on Saturday…I may have to figure out a way to do a belated version of this list next weekend!

  3. Erin Tales says:

    Happy Birthday! I hope you get your demands! LOL!

  4. (fairy) Godmother says:

    Happy Birthday Jen! I hope you have a wonderful day and that your List comes true! Btw… you are a babe… I have ya beat by a coupla years ;)

  5. says:

    Happy 36th Birthday!
    I read every list you make and I love everything you have to say.
    I have a gift for you that I think might help you with items 1-7 on your list. Email me at suzanne (at) sittercity (dot) com for you birthday gift.

    I hope you have a great 36th birthday!

  6. Sandra says:

    What a great list! Hope you have a wonderful birthday and get at least one of your wishes!


So you can get your list on.

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