list of ways listplanit strives to be eco-friendly

Preserving our earth has become a very important issue to many people and companies today.  With so many ways to make positive changes, there is an understanding that we do our best to find the areas in our lives that may need some rethinking and take the necessary steps.  ListPlanIt is proud of the many ways that it can be considered kind to our environment.    Here are a few of the examples how ListPlanIt is doing its part.

list of ways listplanit strives to be eco-friendly |

    • Print only the pages you need.  Instead of you purchasing pages that you will never use (such as in a book format), when you become a member to ListPlanIt or purchase an ePlanner, you print only those pages that are relevant to you, your family, your business, and your life.
    • Type into our pages.  As a Download member, you can type right into each page.  That allows you to use and reuse a page over and over again, often without the necessity to print it out.
    • Minimal graphics.  Fewer flourishes and images on the page allows you to quickly print without the investment of a lot of ink.  Less ink means you not only save money, but contribute fewer ink cartridges to the landfills (actually, please recycle these – there are so many places to do so).
    • The L.I.S.T., ListPlanIt‘s weekly newsletter, is emailed directly to your inbox.  That means no mass-mailings.

In what ways are you trying to lessen your impact on the environment?


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