list of ways to get involved in your child’s school

Parent involvement can improve a child’s attitude about school, increase school attendance, boost achievement, and make schools better places. There are so many ways parents can be involved in schools. Try something new this year (Your child will thank you.)!

list of ways to get involved in your child’s school |

  • Attend your school’s parent meeting
    • You don’t have to be the president of your school’s PTA to attend parent meetings.  Just showing up demonstrates a commitment to your child’s education.
  • Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher(s)
    • Email, call or write notes to ask questions, give suggestions and compliment the person who spends so much time with your child each day.
  • Get to know your school’s principal
    • He/she holds the key to a good year.  Getting to know the principal is a great way to truly understanding the goals and needs of a school.
    • Bake for the bake sale, make copies, man the ticket table.  Do something you enjoy and you are more likely to do it again!
  • Work in the classroom
    • Ask your child’s teacher when you can come and help out in the classroom.  Grading papers, reading to students, and answering questions are all great ways to see what is going on in there.
  • Coach a team
    • Maybe your school has intramurals or your town’s recreation department hosts team sports.  By coaching, you can get to know your child’s fellow classmates.  Don’t like sports? How about math team or art club?
  • Chaperone a class trip
    • Field trips can be hot, crowded, noisy, and exhausting, but the pride a child feels when a parent accompanies him/her on a class trip is priceless.
  • Attend school board meetings
    • These are different from parent meetings.  This is where important school decisions can truly affect your child.  Show up and show your support.
  • Be involved in your child’s homework
    • For little ones, this may mean sitting down with them and walking them through their evening learning.  For bigger kids, this likely means being available and knowing how to point the way to the help they need.  (*Tip* YouTube is an incredible resource for just about everything.  Don’t be afraid to use it.  Qualified instructors are readily available with an applicable lesson.)

How will you show your school spirit this year?


One response to “list of ways to get involved in your child’s school”

  1. says:

    Today’s parents face a growing challenge with respect to their
    child’s attitude to school and their education. A good rapport with the school
    and teacher is essential. Many find that numerous distractions hinder their
    attempts to have their children focus on school and school work. This lack of
    focus tends to lead to disruptive behavior, low grades and lack of motivation
    to do their best. At the earliest age, they need to develop good study habits and sound self discipline.
    This is attained by establishing a structured approach to their work so it
    becomes second nature to them.


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