list of ways to improve your food value

As I mentioned in my last post, I am reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracleby Barbara Kingsolver and never have I been more inspired to make personal changes in my food choices. Many of the suggestions in this post will be points that I picked up from the book. What I know for sure is that I will no longer look at food value in the same way. I used to consider food value as a good deal at the grocery store. I looked for more and more bargains and then bought more and more food. Today, my outlook on buying food is more about quality. Food value now means to me that I will pay for food that will be nutritious and beneficial to my family. Massive choice is overrated. I think people shortchange quality food because the effects are not highly visible. It is not always easy to see the positive ways a body is responding.

list of ways to improve your food value |

  1. Peaches in February means that they have likely traveled to you from Argentina. Which means they have very likely been genetically modified to travel well and have spent possibly a week in some sort box car or hull. Wait for fruits and vegetable to come in season and then buy them locally.
  2. Buy organic when you can. If it is not organic, you and your children are consuming pesticides, food that is genetically modified to be indestructible, and artificial growth hormones. Sound delicious?
  3. Buy free range when you can. If meat is not from a free range animal, then it has been genetically modified to withstand poor pen/coop conditions and produce more meat, and it has been fed food that it would not eat naturally.
  4. Grow a garden. Getting involved in your own food production can make your family more aware of where food comes from. Carrot, potatoes, tomatoes, and radishes all grow from the dirt. Where does high fructose corn syrup come from? It is a fun family activity to get you outdoors as well.
  5. Imagine each bite being the building block for your child’s healthy body. Don’t reach for the pre-packaged snacks. Peel a few carrots and store in the refrigerator for quick access. Spread some peanut butter on a slice of bread.
  6. Truly consider the foods that you are picking up at the grocery store. Read the ingredients. Be thoughtful. Get out of a rut.

What are some ways that you are improving the food value for your family?

6 responses to “list of ways to improve your food value”

  1. SweetDebbie says:

    I was so inspired to go organic when I became a mom that I started my own business – Sweet Debbie’s Organic Cupcakes. We make organic, vegan, gluten-free(in a designated kitchen)and sugar-free desserts so everyone and their kids can have a healthy and satisfying snack.

  2. david says:

    it was such a very nice comment passed can watch this also Agriculture business Network Network for more information..


  3. EChristyBA says:

    Jen – I completely agree with you. My problem is this – I have dabbled in gardening in the past, but it always seems to be one thing too much for my busy life. I just don’t know how to fit it all in without my yard ending up looking like a big weedy mess! But when I think of all those fresh tomatoes, and basil – oooh basil…..

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please do not mis-use the phrase 'genetically modified' when you intend to refer to selective breeding or cross-breeding of plants & animals. They are very, very different processes; the difference is important.

  5. EntertainingMom says:

    I buy locally when I can. I used to buy all organic produce but while trying to save a few pennies I no longer do. I will buy strawberries this time of year. Yes they come from Florida it;s not exactly eco-sound of me to support all that jet fuel to transport some fruit, however my kids love strawberries and canteloupe and a lot of those fruits grown in warmer parts of the country that I opt to buy those as I feel good in giving my kids healthy snacks — as opposed to pretzels, chips, and all the other garbage out there. I do not buy organic milk anymore but I will buy from those dairies who support local farms. This milk is all hormone free.

    My kids are fortunate in that they go to a school that buys its produce and meat and milk from local farms!

    We live by several farms and I take advantage of all they have to offer in the warmer months!

  6. Marci says:

    We just signed up with a organic vegetable farm to receive a box of fresh veggies each week throughout the summer. I am so excited. I just have room at our house for a couple tomato and pepper plants and an herb garden. So, this will be wonderful and healthy!


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