list of ways to instill a generous nature in your children

As parents, we know how egocentric our children can be at times. Do you feel that when holidays and birthdays roll around, all your children talk about is getting presents? Does “I want this..” and “me, me, me” seem to be a too-often theme in your house? Generosity is a beautiful virtue and an important one to teach our children. Here are a number of ways to reinforce generosity with your children:

list of ways to instill a generous nature in your children |

  • Shine a light on generosity
    • Children do not come out of the womb being naturally generous.  It is something that needs to be nurtured.
    • Teach your child what the word, “generous” means and point out times you, family members, people you know, people you see on television and read about in books are being generous.  Make your children aware of generous acts.
  • Model Generosity
    • Doing and saying what you want your children to do and say is such a valuable parenting tool.  Share with your children ways you are generous toward others.
    • Children are terrific mimics.
  • Positively reinforce your generous children
    • Praise your children when you see them being generous and encourage their generous acts.
  • Teach that generosity means to give freely, without expecting anything in return
    • Try having your child call a family member just to tell him, “I love you” or give food to a local food bank.
  • Being generous means more than just giving money.  You can be generous with yourself
    • Show your children ways they can be generous with their time and actions.  Encourage an older sibling to read a favorite book to a younger sibling or to take a few minutes before they have free time to help mom sweep up the kitchen floor.
  • Don’t forget to encourage generosity when you teach your children financial responsibilities
    • Include giving money to charity in your child’s plans to manage and save money.
  • Talk about the purpose of charitable organizations
    • There are so many charities out there.  Research some worthy causes that are interesting to your children.
  • Volunteer together
    • Model having a generous spirit by looking for ways to volunteer as a family.  Visit a nursing home, spend time in a soup kitchen or make cards for soldiers.
  • Donate your things
    • Sweep through your children’s closets, drawers and toy boxes and collect things to donate to those who have less.
    • Have a yard sale and give the money earned to a family-chosen charity.
  • Give the gift of Giving
    • On the next special occasion, present you child with a gift certificate stating you will make a set donation to the charity your child chooses in his/her name.  Pick a local non-profit or something larger from a site like
  • Host a Coat, Food or Toy Party
    • Share the generous spirit.  Have guests bring the desired item and children can help pack them up to give

What are the ways you teach your children to be generous?


3 responses to “list of ways to instill a generous nature in your children”

  1. […] List of Ways to Instill a Generous Nature in Your Children […]

  2. Amanda says:

    We went to a birthday party once where they asked that you not bring a present for the birthday child, but that you bring a new children’s book. The books were then donated to a woman’s shelter for the kids there to have books to read. What a great idea that was! Those parents have truely taught their children about generousity!

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jen Tankersley, Jen Tankersley. Jen Tankersley said: How do you teach your children to be generous? What are ways in which you foster generosity, both in yourself and… […]


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