list of what moms really want for mother’s day

I wrote a post like this for Valentine’s Day, and it is the same for Mother’s Day.  The best gifts usually are the simplest, and for moms on Mother’s Day, the most thoughtful gifts are definitely simple.  A little pampering, a little “me time,” a little trip to a restaurant – all these ideas will make this Mother’s Day a day the mom in your life will remember and appreciate.

list of what moms really want for mother's day |

  • A dinner she doesn’t have to cook or clean up (Take Out or Eating Out)
  • A hint of a thoughtful gift on a random day when she’s not expecting it (not because you’ve forgotten and are trying to stall)
  • The realization that when she mentioned how much she loved Ingrid Michaelson, you were paying attention (you bought a CD or tickets for her concert)
  • A gift of Time (alone to do something she never gets time to do like read or paint her toenails)
  • A trip to the spa for a little pampering
  • Kisses and Hugs from the loved ones in her life!

What would you really like this Mother’s Day?

3 responses to “list of what moms really want for mother’s day”

  1. Edelap says:

    So on target! Let’s hope DH catches on here! 


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