list of ways to celebrate “read across america day” on march 2nd

Read Across America Day is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that calls for everyone to celebrate reading on March 2, the birthday of beloved children’s author, Dr. Seuss. Here is a list of activities to bring reading excitement to children of all ages. Read a favorite Dr. Suess book with your family. • […]

Feb, 28

lists & planning pages available in listplanit’s new Home Education ePlanner

Most parents are home educators, whether they know it or not.  Home Education can be anything from homeschooling your children full-time to supplementing your child’s education with tools and resources.  ListPlanIt‘s new Home Education ePlanner helps you organize your thoughts and educational content, guides you in the process, and records the accomplishments of your family.  […]

Jan, 18

list of websites for educating children at home

Whether you are homeschooling your child(ren) or just looking for some supplemental websites for afternoon or weekend learning, I have come across some amazing resources in my preparation for homeschooling. I found a book from the library called Homeschool Your Child for Free: More Than 1,400 Smart, Effective, and Practical Resources for Educating Your Family […]

Nov, 08

list of steps to organizing a school carpool

With school now in session or starting soon, you may be wondering how to get your children to school each and every day in a manner that is both convenient for you and healthy to the environment.  Why not load up your car or van with other kids from the neighborhood and ask neighbors to […]

Aug, 17

list of healthy and convenient ideas for a student’s lunch

While sandwiches have reigned superior on many a family’s lunch menu, you may find that a bit of variety is just what is needed to give your child an enthusiasm for nourishing his or her body.  School is hard work and kids need a chance to fuel up.  There are many convenient options for giving […]

Aug, 10

list of school supplies to be collecting over the summer

Summer is in full swing now, but Back to School will be here before we know it.  A lot of rushing around and headaches can be saved if we’ll take the time to think about what our child(ren) might need next year and begin to collect supplies so they are ready for their first day.  […]

Jul, 19

list of ways for children to earn summer privileges

With summer here (or almost here for us), I have spent many an hour thinking about our daily routine.  There are several things that I have come to know about my children:  they are freshest (mentally and creatively) in the morning, they love playing the Wii more than watching TV but will not beg for […]

Jun, 04

list of online resources for young students

Technology and the web has transformed our lives in so many ways.  My student life was simpler, with fewer options for learning independently and for entertainment.  I, admittedly, watched a lot of TV in my days as a student (think Happy Days), but I could never have imagined a tool that would allow me to […]

Feb, 22

list of suggestions for establishing a child’s afterschool routine

When children get home from school, you can bet that they’ve had an exhilarating yet exhausting day of concentrating, summoning their courage, cooperating, and playing, but their day doesn’t end there.  If a routine is established, there will be much less need for questions such as “What do I do?  I’m bored.”  or “How much […]

Aug, 21

list of expectations for a child’s morning routine

Back to school presents many exciting steps and transitions.  It usually means earlier bedtimes, earlier waketimes, and hurried mornings where parents and children rush to prepare lunches and make it to the bus on time.  Establishing a morning routine for your child provides the confidence he or she needs to independently prepare for school so […]

Aug, 19

list of steps to preparing for back to school

With school starting soon and summer vacation in its final phase, it is time get serious about preparing yourself and your child for back to school. Whether your child is beginning his first year of Kindergarten or his Senior year, there are a few things that must be done before the first big day. Members […]

Aug, 07

list of eco-friendly school supplies for back to school

Let’s face it, school supplies are not the most earth-friendly products in the world.  A lot of trees have met untimely deaths due to the onset of August/September in years past.  This year, there is an awareness that we can be more cautious, more considerate in our choices for school supplies.  In beginning my family’s […]

Jul, 30

list of ways that children can use lists

So bear with me, this is not only a useful post for anyone who has children, but it is also a chance for me to think through the presentation that I am giving tomorrow morning to my daughter’s 2nd grade class. While I was away last week at the NAPO Conference, Campbell gave her “Share” […]

May, 06

list of to dos during our morning routine

I have recently started working 2 days a week and it has upped the level of intensity during the hour between wakeup time and off-to-the-bus time. However, I do find that I try to streamline that hour a little bit more since I like very much to come home to a decent looking house (not […]

Jan, 22

list of considerations when choosing childcare

I am taking the plunge and going back to work – at least part-time. I didn’t think I would want to do it, but now that I have the job and have worked a few days, I find myself really enjoying it and even looking forward to the days I work. However, it does mean […]

Jan, 14

list of things to consider when planning your afterschool routine

Every family is different and each family has their own set of priorities. Some families may find a game of kickball is what they need directly after school. Some families may find themselves shuttling one child to karate, another to soccer, and yet another to piano lessons all in the same afternoon. Some families cook […]

Aug, 24

list of morning solutions for back to school

Your children may have already started school or may be starting soon, but getting a routine that keeps everyone on schedule takes a few weeks to master. Here are a few ideas to help streamline the process of getting ready so children make their bus. Get homework, permission slips, lunch money, and anything else that […]

Aug, 18

list of sandwich ideas for your child’s lunchbox

With kids heading back to school, parents have to adjust to making school lunches between the chaos of breakfast and rushing to the bus stop. We want our kids’ lunches to be simple, yet nutritious. And variety is the spice of life, right? So break out your reusable containers. Check out Lunch in a for […]

Aug, 15

list of essential supplies for middle/high school students

It is so exciting to go from sitting in one desk all day to switching classrooms every hour. You move out from the protective wing of one teacher to a group of teachers that may handle over one hundred students in one day. It is up to you and your child to be prepared. Responsibility […]

Aug, 04

list of essential school supplies for elementary students

Pretty soon, if not already, you will be receiving your school’s list of essential school supplies for your child’s grade, but there are a few things that are pretty universal for almost every elementary classroom. Here is a list of things that are sure to be found on your school supply list: Backpack Lunch box/bag […]

Aug, 03

list of items to collect for kids off to college

If you have a student who is soon to be leaving home, bound for a college campus, I don’t have to tell you that there are quite a few things that he/she will be needing.   Start collecting now so you are prepared when it is time to begin packing. A little here and a […]

Jul, 16

list of things to know when choosing a summer camp

If your child is planning to attend a summer camp this year or in the near future, there are a quite a few things to consider for maximum safety and ultimate fun. Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they need to research and plan for summer camp in Student Planning.  Not yet a member?  Join […]

May, 22

list of things to consider when choosing a preschool

Most preschools have already started pre-enrolling for next year. If you have not yet enrolled your child in a preschool or if you are beginning to think about what is important to look for in the future, then take a look at this list and begin to call around and visit preschools in your area. […]

May, 06


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