list of ways to enjoy family movie night at home

I am a big fan of movies.  We went to very few movies when I was growing up, but that was partly due to the fact that movies could only be viewed in the theatre or  if you waited long enough for a movie to come out with commercial breaks on a network.  Once we […]

Sep, 11

list of ideas to inspire you for fall

Fall doesn’t officially begin until September 22 this year, but with the low temperatures at night and the crisp September air during the day, it is definitely time to start thinking about fall.  After a long, hot summer, most people are ready for the change that comes with fall.  Here are some ideas from around […]

Sep, 10

list of considerations when planning for fun at a family reunion

Summer is the ideal time for  a family reunion. The weather is perfect for gathering by the lake, in the park, at a campground, or even in the backyard. But when family members from near and far gather, especially those that you don’t see too often, you need something to keep the younger crowd busy […]

Aug, 16

list of ways to keep children entertained during the summertime

Kids spend the last month or two of school simply counting down the minutes until summer vacation begins. But after a few school-free days, the dreaded words “I’m bored” become all too common for parents everywhere. The good news is that there are plenty of fun ways to keep your children entertained (that don’t include […]

Jul, 16

list of ways to enjoy the fourth of july with the family

The Fourth of July is right around the corner, so it is time to finalize all of your plans for celebrating and get everything prepared (hopefully sooner rather than later). Most people spend the day barbequing with friends and family and then spend the evening watching fireworks light up the night sky. Those are great, […]

Jun, 26

list of steps to teaching your child to ride a bike

I have so many fond memories of riding my bike as a child.  My bike was my transportation, but it was also my independence.  Of course those were the days when kids rode with little supervision.  There was no place off limits to me on my bike in my small Kansas town.  That is why […]

Jun, 18

list of fun ideas for your backyard summer camp

Last summer, I wrote a post called List of Ways to Create a Summer Camp Experience at Home. It was a great step-by-step post on how to get started creating a summer camp in your own home or backyard. I believe in summer camp as a means to keep children active, stir creativity, interact socially, […]

Jun, 06

list of summertime responsibilities for every age

Even in the summertime, clothes still need washing, dishes don’t clean themselves, trash doesn’t walk itself to the curb.  A home needs constant maintenance and upkeep in order to be livable.  While parents are largely responsible for the care of the home, children, as rent-free residents, must contribute in whatever age-appropriate ways possible.  Children may […]

Jun, 05

list of chores for a teen

Teenagers are on the verge of life on their own.  That likely means that they alone will be responsible for nourishment, cleanliness, and personal hygiene.  Teaching children to do laundry is more difficult than just doing it yourself, but don’t miss the opportunity to give your child plenty of practice.  A teenager or young adult […]

Jun, 04

list of ways to win your own summer central binder

This week, we published a post about how to use your 100 Days of Summertime eBook and create your own Summer Central Binder to make your summer planning simple and effective.  Today, we want to offer you a chance to win a customized binder of your own!  Plus, it will come with a printed, hole-punched copy of […]

May, 31

list of steps to creating your summer central binder

If you have a home management binder or a holiday binder, then you know how useful it can be to have a central place to keep calendars and information.  Having a place to prepare for the busy summer can be just as useful.  A summer central binder works as both a guide and a workbook […]

May, 29

list of ways to celebrate may as national bike month

Did you know that May is National Bike Month? Why not take the opportunity to celebrate by participating in some fun, bike-related activities! Host a Bike-To-Work or Bike-To-School Day • The more people involved the better! Research bike friendly paths in your town and visit them Have a Bike Parade • Give prizes for the […]

May, 17

list of activities to include on your family’s summer to do list

Summertime is what children’s dreams are made of.  Ingredients include sleeping later than usual, no homework, playing with friends, and fun times with mom & dad.  It should be relaxing and it should be as unstructured as possible.  If both parents are working outside the home, then time will be a little more limited and […]

May, 07

list of life skills that children should begin learning now

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Chinese Proverb I have been known to call my children “adults-in-training”.  When you think about it, that is pretty much our job description as parents. . .training our children to […]

Apr, 24

list of fun rainy day activities

There are days when kids are at home (weekends, breaks, summer) and it is rainy.  Instead of spending too much time in front of the tv or computer, have a list ready of indoor activities to inspire creativity, imagination, stimulation, and fun. Gather everyone around for some fun as a group or individual.  Let them […]

Apr, 16

list of perpetual steps to a solid marriage

Marriage is a joining of two separate people who come from different backgrounds and have different personalities.  It is a partnership of trust and values.  No matter how like-minded you think you might be to your spouse or spouse-to-be, there will always be a degree of conflict.  No matter your age, your stage in life, […]

Apr, 09

list of steps to preparing for a family road trip

With spring break upon us and the high cost of flying with a family, you may be considering a road trip in the near future.  Planning a road trip can be more time-intensive than you think. Whether the plan is to embark on a cross country adventure, a coastal tour,  or a journey to Grandma’s […]

Mar, 12

list of instructions to consider leaving for a babysitter

Getting out for some adult conversation and entertainment is heavenly.  We live half a country away from our nearest relatives so we depend on people from our community when we need to leave children at home.  Whether you are lucky enough to live near family who can babysit or have searched out a local teen […]

Mar, 07

list of ways to organize toys in children’s bedrooms or playroom

We are converging on the point when our resolution to get more organized  gets the much needed shot of adrenaline called “spring cleaning”.  Take advantage of this time of year when you begin to feel more energized by an increase of light and warmth.   Are you sick of tripping over Littlest Pet Shop animals […]

Feb, 28

list of fun family halloween games

Looking for ways to entertain your favorite Halloweeners? Whether you are looking for some fun for a party, in lieu of trick-or-treating, or in addition to trick-or-treating, here are some fun ways to create or add to the Halloween spirit. Witches Stew Game • Cut ten Halloween shapes, such as ghosts, bats and pumpkins from […]

Oct, 28

list of things to do with fallen leaves

If your yard looks anything like ours does this time of the year, it is COVERED in fallen leaves. Why not take advantage of this free gift from your trees and have some fun with your family? Leaf Rubbings • The original fallen leaf activity…put a leaf under a piece of paper (best if the […]

Oct, 20

list of fun children’s halloween books to read this month

‘Tis the season to cuddle on the couch with your preschooler or early gradeschooler, grab a flashlight, turn off the lights, and read some fun Halloween books.  Halloween celebrates the imagination, so choose some books this month that stir the senses…happy reading! The Night Before Halloween by Natasha Wing Scary, Scary Halloween by Eve Bunting […]

Oct, 19

list of tasks to include in your afternoon/evening routine

The afternoon and evening is often the trickiest time of day. Children may seem tired from a long day of learning and playing. However, there is still homework to consider, after school activities to taxi to and from, dinner to be made, and bedtimes to uphold. It may either feel like bedtime can’t come soon […]

Oct, 05

list of tasks for a smooth schoolday morning routine

By now, school has been back in session for a month (or more), and everyone in your house has likely slid into a comfortable morning routine. Whether you are schooling at home or sending your child off on the bus or a bike to school, there are certainly ways to make the the first part […]

Oct, 03

list of ways to celebrate the first day of autumn

Friday, September 23rd, is the first day of autumn. The ushering in of a new season can be an exciting time and there are numerous ways your family can celebrate. Go for a fall nature hike • Make note of the signs of change (leaves changing color, fallen acorns, cooler breezes, etc). Make a handprint […]

Sep, 21


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