list of blogs/sites to send some link love

It’s Sunday! The day for List Mama to say “Thanks!” for including me on your blog or website and sending me some of your readers. Be sure to visit these amazing places! Disorder2Order Blog Audrey’s Spot Lead Me On. . . Blissfully Domestic social network The Laundry is Never Finished Entrecard

Nov, 02

list of blogs/sites to send my link love

It’s Sunday! The day for List Mama to say “Thanks!” for including me on your blog or website and sending me some of your readers. Be sure to visit these amazing places! 100 Days to Christmas (well, it’s true!) Mom Dot Modern Mommy Small Notebook Complete the List Pink and Green Mama Berrie Sweet Picks […]

Oct, 26

list of great lines from "it’s the great pumpkin, charlie brown"

Though “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” first made an appearance on TV in 1966, it still holds every bit of the magic it first had. Many of us grew up watching this classic Halloween episode, knowing that it was officially Halloween when it aired on TV for the season. My family has watched “It’s […]

Oct, 23

list of blogs/sites to send a little link love

It’s Sunday! The day for List Mama to say “Thanks!” for including me on your blog or website and sending me some of your readers. Be sure to visit some of these amazing places! Twitter Simple Mom Clutterbugs – Get Organized Blog Finding Joy in the Journey Cafe Mom My Life – A Work in […]

Oct, 18

list of reasons to visit a fire station in october

Today, Claire and I are headed to the Topsham Fire Station with our playgroup. I’ve taken my children almost every year since my first child was 18 months. I’ve never had a bad experience. The firefighters understand that it is part of their civic duty, to not only battle raging fires, but to educate our […]

Oct, 15

list of halloween movies to watch in october

Now that my children are 7, 5, and 3, they are now starting to broaden their interest in movies. Once, they would only watch a movie if it were 1) animated, 2) had animals in it, and 3) in no way scary. About a year ago, we successfully watched our first movie that didn’t follow […]

Oct, 10

list of ways you can have free fun at your local library

Guest Blogger – Christina Poulsen As a stay-at-home mom on a budget, one of my favorite places to go with my daughter during the week is my local library. As I have mentioned before, I live in the country, and I need to drive a good 20-30 minutes to get to the nearest store. The […]

Oct, 01

list of uses for an ice cream cone

I’ve always been a sugar-cone-kind-of-girl, but recently I’ve discovered new reasons to love the plain-old, regular cones. They are flat-bottomed so they are easy to set down without making a mess. They are portable – the perfect size for little hands. They are edible (and pretty tasty, I must admit). Really, anything delicious, whether sweet […]

Sep, 22

list of "good things" on martha stewart’s blogging show

I am here in the studio audience of the LIVE Blogging episode of the Martha Stewart Show. My journey here started last week when I was sent an invitation to attend the show. I made the decision to come to New York City, which I knew would involve 2 bus trips, beginning in Maine and […]

Sep, 17

list of favorite fall things to do

Fall here in Maine means that the nights get down to near freezing and the trees turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow. The air is crisp and so are the apples picked right off the tree at nearby orchards. I have always loved those first few times of putting on a cozy sweater […]

Sep, 14

list of reasons to love apples

This weekend, our local apple orchard opens! This brings an enormous amount of pleasure to my family. Some of our best memories are of tasting the apples fresh off the trees, riding in a hay wagon to get out to the orchard, petting the farm animals, looking around at the brilliant colors of the trees […]

Sep, 10

list of steps to starting a blog

I only discovered blogging about a year ago, and it took a few months for me to figure out what the big deal was. What I discovered is that it is a fun and creative way to share your thoughts and passions with the world. Everyone wants to feel they’ve made an impact, some type […]

Sep, 02

list of meanings for the word "labor"

It is Labor Day and I started thinking of all the unpleasant ways I could be spending this day. As you spend this day at home or participating in final summertime activities, be grateful if you are lucky enough not to be celebrating Labor Day in one of these ways: Physical or mental exertion, especially […]

Sep, 01

list of things to consider for a child’s sleepover at your house

For Campbell’s birthday, what she wanted most was to have her best friend from 1st Grade sleepover at our house. We had had her sleep over at the end of the schoolyear and it went great! Sleepovers bring out the little girl in me like nothing else! I am nearly giddy at the idea of […]

Aug, 11

list of fun things to do involving water

Guest Blogger – Jessica Aryan It’s summertime. School is a month away but the long, hot dog days of summer are upon us. Your kids are complaining that they are bored. There is nothing to do. Don’t let them sit around and watch TV! Here is a list of fun wet things for kids of […]

Aug, 06

list of things to make with fresh blueberries

It is blueberry season here in Maine and we have already been picking twice. The cleared areas below the power lines are just full of lowbush, wild blueberries. I just gave all of my Little Sals (from Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey – GREAT book!) a little pail while mama used her large pail, and […]

Aug, 05

list of things found in the back of my minivan in the summertime

My youngest and I made a trip to the big city today to visit the mall. Though she is 3 years old, she does not have a single memory of ever visiting a mall (it has been at least a year). She couldn’t believe all the lights and activity. I had to truly dig to […]

Jul, 29

list of items to recycle (reuse, reduce, recycle!) for your children’s play kitchen

Guest Blogger – Jessica Ryan Please be sure to wash everything really well before handing items off to the kids! yogurt containers sour cream containers cream cheese containers peanut butter jars mayonnaise jar plastic honey bear coffee tins (those with resealable tops) maple syrup bottles butter tubs plastic juice bottles egg containers salad dressing bottles […]

Jul, 28

list of mama’s favorite travel itineraries

I don’t know about you, but this Mama could use a vacation! For those of you who visit List Mama Blog frequently, you might be thinking, “I thought she just went on vacation?” Well, my question is this: should taking 3 kids (ages 6, 5 and 3) by yourself to stay with your parents in […]

Jul, 10

list of supplies to keep in a kid’s art chest

A well-stocked art/craft chest can be a consistent source of activities for your children. Not only does it provide a creative outlet for them, but also a moment of quiet for you! Here are some items you should always have on hand: coloring books ream of printer paper construction paper scissors (age-appropriate) glue (age-appropriate) washable […]

Jul, 08

list of foods that are great on the grill

‘Tis the season for charcoal and cooking outdoors! Food from the grill is not only delicious, but easily prepared and easily shared. Here are a few kinds of food that are perfect whether grilling for family or friends. Cheeseburgers – experiment with ground beef and ground turkey to vary the flavor Hot Dogs – not […]

Jun, 30

list of items to pack for a trip to the beach or pool

It is summertime and that means heat – and a chance to escape from the heat! I live near the ocean which means lots of trips to the beach, but our vacations are spent in a place where pools are the order of the day. Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they need to […]

Jun, 26

list of things to do the first day of summer

Summer is here! The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming. Living in Maine, it is a long journey to get to this point. Here is a list of things you can do with or without your children today and in the next few months: Head to the beach or local swimming pool/water park. Try […]

Jun, 20

list of reasons to start a blog

I dragged my heels about starting a blog, but since I really committed myself to it, I find that it is one of my favorite things to do! There is something therapeutic about writing whatever comes to mind and knowing that it has the possibility to reach the world. Here are some reasons why you […]

Jun, 18

list of reasons why you should laugh everyday

Even if you have to manufacture an opportunity to laugh, like watching a comedy on TV or visiting a comedy club or even having a ticklefest with your toddler, find a reason to laugh each and everyday. The benefits to your mind and body are immeasurable: Reduces stress Provides a physical release to an emotional […]

Jun, 14


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