list of ways your family can volunteer

This year, we remembered the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. You can commemorate this anniversary through service and volunteerism, marking the tragic events by rekindling the spirit of hope and community that followed this devastating day. Here is a list of volunteer opportunities for you to research. American Red Cross • Disaster volunteers […]

Sep, 12

list of ways to celebrate national grandparents day

In 1978, President Carter proclaimed that the first Sunday after Labor Day would be National Grandparents Day. Whether you celebrate it officially this year (it falls on September 11th) or decide to devote another day to these important relations, here are some clever ideas to shower grandparents with love. Go around the table after dinner […]

Sep, 08

list of ways to get involved in your child’s school

Parent involvement can improve a child’s attitude about school, increase school attendance, boost achievement, and make schools better places. There are so many ways parents can be involved in schools. Try something new this year (Your child will thank you.)! Attend your school’s parent meeting • You don’t have to be the president of your […]

Sep, 07

list of things to do before the end of summertime

We still have time before summer ends, but with the start of school around the corner, I am already feeling the summer days dwindle away. Before we dive headfirst into packing lunches, getting everyone up and ready for the bus on time, and organizing afterschool activities, take some time to think about what you and […]

Aug, 01

list of things to include in a thank you card or letter

Now that all of the Christmas gifts have been opened, it is time to express gratitude.  I am a firm believer in writing thank you notes after receiving a gift. When my daughter was old enough to string together her own words to write sentences a few years ago, I began to train her on […]

Jul, 20

list of things to do with sidewalk chalk

Most children love sidewalk chalk (although my oldest daughter insists on using one of those chalk holders or wrapping a paper towel around the chalk because she doesn’t like the feel of it on her fingers). It is a great (and cheap) way to keep the kiddos entertained for a while. Here are some prompts […]

Jul, 08

list of things to entertain kids on an airplane

As my husband, three children and I get ready to fly down south to visit grandparents, I again begin racking my brain to think of things to prepare us for the time we will be in the airports and in flight. I tend to plan for the worst and assume that all of our flights […]

Jun, 20

list of ways to create a summer camp experience at home

Summer camps are great experiences for kids.  They give kids a chance to participate in fun activities, play sports, meet new people, learn new skills, develop their talents, and experience nature.  However, the cost of summer camp for just one child can be steep, let alone for multiple children in a family.  Plus, sometimes, transportation […]

Jun, 13

list of beginning-of-summer party ideas

Summer is revving up and it is time to celebrate the end of school and the beginning of warm weather.  Kids and adults alike love getting together with friends and having fun around a theme. Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they need in Holidays & Occasions to plan for a fun party or […]

Jun, 06

list of games to play when hiking with children

A hike can be a great adventure and a lot of fun for children of all ages when they are challenged to think about their surroundings. Use some of these activities next time you go on a family hike.   They will not only add to the fun but will get your family to thinking and […]

May, 31

list of things to consider when hiking with your family

Memorial Day is a great day to set out on a new trail with the family. Years ago, when my husband and I wanted to go for a hike, we’d grab our hiking shoes, water bottle, two granola bars and a camera and head out the door. 12 years and three children later, things are […]

May, 30

list of ways to exercise with your children

Any mom knows how hard it is to fit exercise into your day. Why not find ways to exercise while you are WITH your children, instead of struggling to find the time to do it without them? It will be good for your health and your kids will love it! Members to ListPlanIt will find Exercise Goals in Personal Interests, […]

May, 18

list of ways to celebrate Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day presents a unique challenge for myself and most moms:  honoring the mothers, mother-in-laws, or mother-like figures in our lives while enjoying the benefits of a special day of pampering and thoughtfulness for ourselves.  Here is a list of ways that will help you make the most of this coming Mother’s Day. Call your […]

May, 02

list of things you need to make a fairy house

With warmer weather right around the corner (hopefully!), my kids have been playing outside more. As the snow has melted away in our yard, they have begun yet another season of building fairy houses. Collecting natural things all over the yard and creating elaborate domiciles for tiny woodland fairies and their friends is a favorite […]

Apr, 15

list of guiding food principles for your family’s health

There are a lot of food options available to Americans.  We are bombarded with food images and food choices everyday of our lives.  Some have value, but most are being sold to us as a nation of consumers.  We’ve created a culture of fast foods, artificial foods, nutritionally-lacking foods, convenience foods.  It has become a […]

Apr, 14

list of ways to involve your children in spring cleaning

This is the time of year I get the itch to clean my house. The weather is warming up.  It’s time to begin packing up the winter boots and snowpants and open the windows to let some fresh air in! I like to get my children in on the action somedays.   It is a […]

Mar, 29

list of ways to clean your house to control illness

It seems like everyone I know has someone sick at home right now. My son had 6 of the 14 children in his class out yesterday! This morning I got a call from the school nurse to come and pick up my daughter from school. As she dozes on my couch, I am desperately considering […]

Mar, 28

list of ways to celebrate “read across america day” on march 2nd

Read Across America Day is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that calls for everyone to celebrate reading on March 2, the birthday of beloved children’s author, Dr. Seuss. Here is a list of activities to bring reading excitement to children of all ages. Read a favorite Dr. Suess book with your family. • […]

Feb, 28

list of free local activities and things to do with your family

* This post has been contributed by Annie Young. Do you and your family have any plans this weekend? Want to get out of the house and do something different, but don’t want to break the bank doing it? There are tons of things a family can do locally that are fun and free (three […]

Feb, 24

list of ways to celebrate february as national dental health month

Everyone should brush their teeth, right? Help your family learn more about the importance of good oral health and develop positive attitudes about consistent dental habits. A healthy mouth is part of a healthy body. Embrace this daily practice and find ways to celebrate it this month! Books to celebrate Dental Health Month • A […]

Feb, 21

list of ways to instill a generous nature in your children

As parents, we know how egocentric our children can be at times. Do you feel that when holidays and birthdays roll around, all your children talk about is getting presents? Does “I want this..” and “me, me, me” seem to be a too-often theme in your house? Generosity is a beautiful virtue and an important […]

Feb, 16

list of good things to buy at a dollar store

The moment my children get a dollar bill in their Valentine’s Day card from their great grandmother, they start fantasizing about going to the dollar store and “picking out anything they want.” In the eyes of a child having a store where no item is “too expensive” must seem like heaven. I know the reality […]

Feb, 15

list of valentine’s day games for the young at heart

What child doesn’t LOVE games? Give your children a Valentine’s Day they will remember by playing a few of these Heart Day games. It’s a great way to really show them how much you love them! Who’s Your Match?Divide your family into 2 teams and form two rows facing each other. The first player on […]

Feb, 11

list of games to play in the snow

* This post was written by contributing author and parenting pro, Annie Young. I just read that as of recently, 49 states have had snow on the ground in some part of them (Florida was cited as the one state without any…that lucky Sunshine State!). I know I can see plowed snow piles higher than […]

Feb, 07

list of 20 new ways to say “i love you”

Sure, you tell your loved ones you love them all the time.  How about changing it up this Valentine’s Day and say “I Love You” with a more multicultural flare? Let them know you love them and build their cultural awareness at the same time.  Click the links below to be taken to Google Translator […]

Feb, 02


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